Which jacket needed?
All Besto lifejackets and buoyancy aids are provided with a ISO CE-mark or MED Wheelmark of approval/ conformity for PPE’s. The CE or Wheelmark of conformity for PPE’s shows that a product has been tested, type approved and is conform the latest EU/International standards.
For Health & Safety requirements on Personal Protective Equipment (products) against specified “state of art” ISO12402 standards/performances for PFD’s. Showing compliance with the ISO12402 standard by means of the CE mark of approval. Besto products in the below segments against this regulation:
o Leisure & Watersports: all products are IS12402 approved
o Shipping & Industry: all products , used as work/industrial/inland navigation and or professional lifesaving products are ISO12402 approved, with exception of SOLAS/MED products
o Rescue Services and Government: depending of the scope of use these can be ISO12402 approved
o Parts & Accessories: depending of the scope of use these can be ISO12402 approved
Newton/buoyancy/performance classes
Within these two main guidelines, the products are classified in separate performance levels. These are the so called Newton?Buoyancy categories. The higher the buoyancy, the better the performance level of the product. This performance category (Newton) provides an indication for the purpose of use of the buoyancy aid and where and how it can be used safely.

ISO12402 Categories /standards according PPE (EU) 2016/425 Regulation for PPE
The products are classified into different performance/ newton classes. This performance/newton class indicates where the jacket is suitable for and safe to wear (where to wear and what you wear). The higher the amount of buoyancy provided is, the higher the performance level is. See the below categories to learn more.
please note a lifejacket or buoyancy aid will only be effective when:
- you have chosen the right product/category in relation to the kind of use/activity its required for
- you have chosen the right size according to the weight of the wearer.
- when buying a lifejacket take into account the clothing you will be wearing on the water. Heavy, protective, watertight clothing can counteract the working of the jacket
- you test or pre-wear test the lifejacket before using it (teach your children how to turn and/or float in their lifejacket)
- you wear and maintain the lifejacket according to the enclosed manuals
- you wear the lifejacket each time when there is a risk of falling into the water
- you never wear it underneath your clothing or jacket, its always on top

Only suitable for use by capable swimmers and should only be used at or on sheltered waters where help is rapidly available.
- Not safe in case of unconsciousness.
- For users of 30 kg and over.
- The 50N Buoyancy Aid is perfectly suited to situations demanding extensive freedom of movement, such as: (dinghy) sailing, canoeing / kayaking, water/jet skiing, fishing / hunting/working

For both swimmers and non-swimmers at or on inland and sheltered waters, during normal weather conditions and wearing light leisure clothing. Suitable for children (from only a few months old) and adults. The 100N lifejackets are designed to turn an unconscious user onto his/her back to keep the airways clear of the water. But it offers limited safety in case of unconsciousness and when wearing waterproof clothing.

For swimmers and non-swimmers at or on open and coastal waters (offshore use) , during rough weather conditions and wearing (light) rain clothing. Suitable for children and adults. The 150N lifejackets are designed to turn an unconscious user onto his/her back to keep the airways clear of the water. But It offers limited safety in case of unconsciousness when wearing heavy, waterproof clothing.

For swimmers and non-swimmers at or on all waters (incl. sea) , during extremely heavy weather conditions and wearing heavy, waterproof (protective) clothing. Suitable for adults . The 275N lifejackets are designed to turn an unconscious user onto his/her back to keep the airways clear of the water.Safe for use in the case of unconsciousness under almost all conditions.
For lifesaving products on board of SOLAS registered Seagoing Ship/Rigs or Offshore use, against specified LSA (lifesaving appliances) performance codes and the “state of art” IMO resolutions, showing compliance with the LSA code by means o3f the Wheelmark. The Besto products in the segments below meet this directive:
Shipping and Industry
all products for seagoing, offshore and/or cruiseline use are MED approved.
Rescue services and government
depending on the scope these can be MED approved.
Parts and Accessories
depending on the scope these can be MED approved.
Newton/buoyancy/performance classes
Within these two main regulations/directives, the products are classified into different performance classes/levels. These are the so called Newton/Buoyancy classes. The higher the amount of buoyancy provided is, the higher the performance level is. This performance class indicates where the jacket is suitable for and safe to wear (where to wear and what you wear). Click below to learn more.

All Besto SOLAS/MED lifejackets are in compliance with the Marine Equipment Directive (MED) 2014/90/EU and tested against the specified LSA (lifesaving appliances) performance codes and the “ state of art” IMO resolutions. Showing compliance with the LSA code by means of the Wheelmark. Besto offers a range of SOLAS/MED Lifejackets for Ocean going ships, Drilling Platform, Windfarms & Offshore use, that carry the European mark of approval, the steering wheel.
Within the LSA codes the products are not directly classified into different performances/ newton classes as per ISO12402 classification. The buoyancy/newton of the products is tested as per LSA standard. During the test it needs to proof if it is sufficient for the scope/usage of the jacket, which indicates the jacket performance and safe to wear.
Dual approval MED/ISO: The MED products against the LSA code where intended for emergency /abandonment purposes rather than constant wear use. Nowadays it is not necessarily only abandonment purpose. The MED products are also used for commercial constant / workwear purposes. That’s why Some Besto Inflatable SOLAS jackets have a dual approval against the Directive MED (LSA codes) and the regulation CE (ISO12402 standard).
please note that a lifejacket or buoyancy aid will only be effective when:
- you have chosen the right category and model according to the kind of use/ activity required
- you have chosen the right size according to the weight of the wearer
- When buying a lifejacket take into account the clothing you will be wearing on the water. Heavy, protective, watertight clothing can counteract the working of the jacket.
- you test or pre-wear test the lifejacket before using it (teach your children how to turn and/or float in their lifejacket)
- you wear and maintain the lifejacket according to the enclosed manuals
- you wear the lifejacket each time when there is a risk of falling into the water
- you never wear it underneath your clothing or jacket

For swimmers and non-swimmers. Suitable for use at or on open and coastal waters (offshore use). The 150N lifejackets are designed to turn an unconscious user onto his/her back to keep the airways clear of the water. It offers limited safety in case of unconsciousness when wearing heavy, waterproof clothing.

Ideal for use with heavy, waterproof clothing at or on the sea in extremely heavy weather conditions. Safe for use in the case of unconsciousness under almost all conditions.
Suited for adults.
The 275N lifejacket is designed to turn an unconscious carrier on the back with his/her mouth free of the water. Provides safety when unconscious in almost all circumstances.